The Shell icon provides easy access to the Command Line
Interface (CLI) |
Contains commands essential for programs to be executed. These
can be entered through the shell. |
This contains drivers and keymaps needed by the system. The
basic set-up only contains the bare essential needed. |
It is alleged to store certain drivers for graphic cards or
other expansions. A left over from WB1.3. |
Stores all the handlers for the Amiga file systems, allowing
processes to communicate or even talk. |
Stores shared libraries essential for running
applications. |
A number of programs designed to alter the configuration of the
Amiga, such as setting the time or the font. It also stores
preference files essential for loading certain programs. |
Contains the AREXX server. |
This contains the start-up configuration files for Workbench.
These are essential files that tell the Amiga exactly what to
do. |
Contains some essential utilities to get the most out of
Workbench. |
Contains basic utilities for use with Workbench. Commodities
can also be found in a sub-directory- these alter the behaviour of
Workbench. |
Contains text/graphic displayers and other utilities. |
Any files placed in here will be executed when the Amiga boots
up. |
The Trashcan stores any unwanted files on a particular
device. |