Tells you the time and the date, obviously.
More is a limited text document viewer that is located in
SYS:Utilities/. It has been superseded by utilities such
Multiview is a powerful object orientated program capable of
displaying almost any type of text, sound or graphics you desire.
It operates through the use of DataTypes, meaning
if you have the necessary datatype then you could load, for example
a JPEG through the same process as loading an IFF picture. The
DataType files are located on your Workbench disk or boot partition
in DEVS:DATATYPES and Classes/Datatypes. However,
the datatype system is restricted to 8 bit (256 colours). All
programs that support Datatypes can load picture formats that they
did not originally take into account, and is mostly used in art
packages such as PPaint.
Multiview Tool Types
Datatypes available