© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga Recognized User Organizations
In an attempt to support the existing Amiga community, Amiga Inc.
launched the Amiga Recognized User Organisation. A stamp of
officialdom that showed the the web site, newsgroup, e-zine, or
other information source has been endorsed by Amiga. To gain the
Amiga Recognized User Organization Seal of Approval the owner or
representative of the site has to complete the following five steps
and submit it to Amiga for approval.
- Outline the programs that will benefit the Amiga Community and
in particular the User Groups.
- List any resources that you will draw upon to help the User
- A Website or Internet presence is required.
- Contact person information including Email, Voice, Fax if
- A reporting process tracking the programs offered.
These steps are submitted to Darreck Lisle for review and after a
week the site should be recognized by Amiga. Each organization will
have their unique responsibilities. Amiga Inc. will monitor the
proposals to make sure that each recognized organization does not
duplicate the effort of another.
View Amiga Seal (25k)
Amiga Advisory Council.
On May 19th 1999, Amiga announced the creation of the Amiga
Advisory Council. The move indicated the companies commitment to
supporting the community in their products, and promised to include
the council in all future discussions on the Amiga. With the
members selected the way seemed to be open for a cooperation
between the commitee and Amiga. However, the resignation of Jim
Collas led to the AAC being abandoned.
Read the announcement

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