Since the announcement that Amiga Inc. would be reviving
the AmigaOS, several third party Amiga developers have negotiated a
contract to use the PowerPC operating system on their Classic Amiga
PPC accelerators.
The concept of running the next generation AmigaOS on Classic
Amiga hardware is difficult to comprehend. The prospect would be
ridiculed in the Apple market, whose main player has abandoned the
pre-G3 processors. However, the small size of the market has
persuaded Amiga Inc. that existing developers must be supported.
The end result will be the patching of AmigaOS 4.x to run on 'Classic' Amiga PPC
The first business to announce cooperation with Amiga Inc. was
Elbox, who launched the groundbreaking PCI expansion board,
Mediator, in 2001. In the April 11th press release, Fleecy Moss,
Chief Technical Officer of Amiga Inc, spoke of the need to migrate
the market, while supporting existing users:
"Elbox have taken a major role in not just
supporting the existing Amiga market with their many products but
also in providing a path forwards ... Our relationship with them
will ensure that their existing customers can benefit from AmigaOS4
whilst new users coming to the Amiga will have additional excellent
choices in the hardware that they can buy."
- Fleecy Moss, 11th April 2001
This was followed by the news that Matay will provide AmigaOS4.x
compatibility for their in-development
PCI G3 card. The announcement of their partnership on the Amiga
Inc. web site was short, but confirmed that the two companies were
working together on a mutual goal.
A year later Amiga Inc. announced that negotiation of the
Prometheus PPC card and Elbox's SharkPPC card were continuing, but
would not be complete until AmigaOS 4.0 was complete and the
hardware had been finalized. The Phase 5/DCE Cyberstorm and
Blizzard PPC cards were also added to the list of supported
hardware, contradicting earlier indications that the G3 CPU would
be the lowest spec supported processor.
Amiga Inc and Elbox Working Together
for Amiga OS 4.0 and Beyond
Amiga Inc. and Matay Company Announce
Cooperation on Initiatives For AmigaOS/4
Amiga Inc. announce the continued
negotiations (12th April 2002)
Last Update: 12/6/2002