© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


"AmigaOS is now a key part of our strategy, now that we
have decided it will form the basis for our home server, whereas
before it was independent from our DE strategy, so this is what
makes it so important."
- Fleecy Moss, Amiga Inc, April 2001.
Developer: Amiga Inc/Hyperion
Announced: April 1st, 2001
Development began: 2001
Release: Late 2002 |
The announcement in April 2001 that Amiga Inc. would be
developing an AmigaOS PPC-native port came as a shock to the Amiga
market. After years of announcements that the 'Classic' OS was
dead, Amiga Inc. reversed this trend, blurring the distinction
between the Classic and Next generation Amiga. The resurrection of
the operating system and the obvious turnaround in their previous
announcement provide a glimpse of the internal battle within Amiga
Inc. During 2000, company representatives indicated that memory
protection was not required for a desktop OS, provoking outrage
among the existing Amiga users, who had expected the new OS to
provide modern features. The AmigaOS 4.x announcement suggests it
was proving difficult, if not impossible, to implement MP into the
Elate OS. Instead, these features will be provided by the host
operating system. During the first three months of 2001, Amiga Inc.
contacted two developers that are currently developing an
Amiga-compatible operating system - the MorphOS (bPlan) and AROS
team. Their intention was to unify these disparate groups and focus
their development upon the AmigaOne. This would reduce the amount
of time required to develop AmigaOS4.x and possibly eliminate
unwanted competition.
In a statement on the AmigaOne mailing list, Fleecy Moss
remarked that AmigaOS4.0 was an important part of their new
"Since we already have the AmigaOS, are moving
forwards with AmigaOS compatible new hardware, and have a vast
legion of people who still want to use, develop for and purchase,
the AmigaOS, we have decided that instead of bringing out a
standalone AmigaDE for this market, we will take the best of the
new and integrate it with the best of the old." (Fleecy Moss,
April 2001)
Since the announcement several things have changed - Haage &
Partner fell out of favour over the illegal selling of Amiga
licenses in AmigaOS XL, the original AmigaOne board was scrapped
and an improved version was licensed, and bPlan cancelled their
agreement with Amiga Inc. In an airtight contract Hyperion took
over the development, allowing Amiga Inc. the option to buy the
rights when the project is complete. This ensures that development
will continue in the event that one of the major players (Hyperion,
Eyetech, or Amiga Inc.) enter liquidation. Amiga Inc. has gone on
record as stating that the AmigaOne platform will form the basis of
a home server that will coordinate Amiga DE-based devices
throughout the household.
The initial OS4.0 release is planned to run on the AmigaOne and
Classic Amigas fitted with a PPC board.
AmigaOS 4.0 Feature List
On August 7th, 2002, Amiga Inc. released the following feature
list relating to AmigaOS 4.0 modules:
Exec Second Generation (Exec
Exec is the AmigaOS kernel and was written in 68K assembly for
AmigaOS 3.1. It has been rewritten in C, as ExecSG, for AmigaOS
Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
Virtual addressing (for automatic stack
enlargement etc.)
Page-based memory handling (less fragmentation
and more efficient)
Virtual memory
New library interface
Resource tracking and management
Optional memory protection
WarpOS backwards compatibility
Drivers, libraries and
devices |
PPC native GUI system (Intuition and
SCSI drivers for onboard (UW) SCSI
AmigaInput API (for multimedia controller
USB stack (already adapted for the Highway and
Subway hardware)
PPC native rewrite of DOS library
PPC native devices
Generic PPC native PCI library
Retargetable graphics &
PPC native RTG system
Picasso 96 V3
PPC native arithmetically optimised version of
Warp3D (3D driver system)
OpenGL 1.3 support (Mesa 4.0)
PPC native RTA system based on AHI (with
Soundblaster Live! Driver)
File Systems
- PPC native TCP/IP stack & PPP drivers (fastest on the
PPC native version of "Amidock"
- Just in Time (JIT) 68K emulation
PPC native utility for archiving and
Recovery and Salvage tools for FFS2 and SFS
PPC native CD back-up tool
OS 4 will include a simple tool which allows the
user to back-up files by burning them to an ISO 9660 CD which also
allows for exchanging data between systems)
PPC native datatypes
New HDToolbox ("Media Toolbox")
Support for TrueType/OpenType fonts
Web-browser (Ibrowse 2.3)
MUI PPC (for legacy applications)
Reading/printing of PDF files
PPC native movieplayer ("Action" with DivX and
MPEG4 support)
Last Update: 16/12/2002

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