© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Amiga ReTargetable Graphics
Retargetable Graphics represent an ideal for the Amiga. One that it
can never reach without major work on the operating system, which
would 'break' most software available. At present there are two
competing standards for Amiga graphics cards- Picasso 96 and
CyberGraphX. These were originally tied to specific boards but have
since been adopted as the standard method of writing RTG software
on the Amiga. However, they are not perfect and have to use a
number of methods to work around bugs in the operating system. With
the advent of PowerPC the Amiga gained access to the 3D
capabilities of the Permedia 2 chipset, leading to the development
of Warp3D to take advantage of the hardware. This will soon be
followed by a port of Glide to the Amiga, which will hopefully
allow 3D software on other platforms to be ported to the Amiga much
The release of the BoXeR motherboard and the G3/4 PowerPC cards
will change the playing fields once again, allowing the use of
cheap PCI and AGP graphics cards if there is a suitable driver

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