© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Are the Zappo CD Drives in fact standard IDE drives in
disguise? If so, can I plug them into the IDE port on my
The Zappo CD drive is fairly unreliable. Although after 3 years,
I suppose anything would be. I've heard that there were problems
with the Zappo as it uses a very old IDE drive that isn't 100%
Atapi compatible. There have been reports of people frying their
IDE ports, CD drives, and their Amiga as a whole. I would advise
you NOT to try it. CD-ROM drives can be bought for as little as
£10 nowadays. It is not worth the hassle of using a slow drive
such as the Zappo (2x) when faster, IDE-compatible models can be
bought. You can find the latest version of the Zappo software by
doing a search on AltaVista for the "Unofficial Zappo Home

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