© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Added ScalOS, more info on commands for all versions of WB, more
Q+A, FAQ, redesigned Q&A to make it easier to find information
on particular areas. Added WB1.3 guide and WB2.1 features. Included
UITI Internet machine in Viscorp section, hidden features section.
Abandoned to work on the HTML version.
AiG Forever
A special edition of AiG for the release of the Amiga Forever
official emulator CD. Added hidden messages article, fixed link
bugs, corrected spelling mistakes that suddenly appeared, added
more FAQ, Q+A, glossary, added PowerPC stuff, guru guide, changed
some information on Amiga International, got rid of Gateway 2000 PC
section, added Nova Sector Amiga systems and added new Quikpak
developments, plus DCE Computers. Featured on the Amiga Forever v2
official emulator CD
Added more FAQ, Q+A, glossary, datatypes guide, expanded magazine
coverage, overhauled Workbench guide into BenchPress, added
infinitiv and Index systems, expanded rumour mill, Amiga people,
redesigned AiG and altered the aim of the guide to provide as much
info as possible. Changed most of the internal links to something
more meaningful. Added Smiley guide, changed BenchPress "OS3
advanced features" into the Amiga QuickGuide, added future of
Amiga, Commodore and Amiga history. Plus LOADS MORE! Featured on
Amiga Format issue 105, AFCD21 (Chrimbles 1997) and the January
1998 edition of CU Amiga (SuperCD 18).
Last Update: 6/3/2002

Latest updates to the Amiga History Guide. (more)

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