Please read Jim
Collas' Technology Brief Letter first.
Amiga Product/Technology Brief
July 16, 1999
The vision and mission of Amiga is to make computers and the
Interneta natural part of everyday life, by creating an
industry-standard operatingenvironment for current and future
consumer computing devices that enablesa wide range of innovative
Internet services. We use the term
"operatingenvironment"purposely, as this software
infrastructure extends the traditional operatingsystem to provide a
host environment for a new class of portable applications–
applications that exist in a pervasive networked computing
environment,and provide transparent access to Internet content and
services. In essence,we are defining a new distributed home
computing environment that enablesa user experience that is much
more accessible than today's personal computerexperience. This
environment will tie together personal computers,
informationappliances, set-top boxes, next-generation multimedia
convergence computersand game machines, and a host of other
computing devices to define thenext phase in the evolution
(revolution!) of computing.
The products under development at Amiga include:
- Amiga Operating Environment (Amiga OE) - a
distributed softwarearchitecture that extends traditional operating
systems to provide a richuser experience, support for pervasive
networking, and a framework forportable applications that
transparently access Internet content and services.A subset of the
Amiga OE – the Amiga Information Appliance Environment–
is portable to a wide range of computing devices and information
- Amiga Multimedia Convergence Computer (Amiga
MCC) - a hardware/softwareplatform specifically designed to meld
outstanding multimedia performance,a new level of ease of use,
transparent access to the Internet and, throughhome networking,
access to a growing family of Amiga-compatible devicesaround the
home. The Amiga MCC will be distributed in two formats: an
integratedmultimedia convergence computer, and a standard ATX
motherboard. Both includethe Amiga OE, an underlying OS, and
support for digital video/DVD, 3D graphics,surround sound, and
emerging broadband and home networking standards. TheAmiga MCC is
intended to serve as both a great platform for
multimediaapplications such as 3D gaming and digital video
integration, and as thehub for a next-generation distributed home
computing environment.
Philosophy and Overview |
Amiga's long-term business success calls for a combination of
technologyinnovation,and technology integration.
We are integrating underlying technologycomponents such as
next-generation CPU's, micro-kernel operating systems,graphics and
GUI libraries and frameworks,
graphics/video/communicationschipsets, wired and wireless home
networking subsystems, and object-baseddevelopment environments, in
order to focus our resources on technologiesthat add unique value
to the Amiga Operating Environment. These value-addedtechnologies
include: user interaction paradigms that are far simpler,and much
more intelligent, than today's personal computer paradigms;
a"virtual appliance" model that allows software applications to
easily migrateto multiple hardware configurations; support for
pervasive and transparentnetworking and Internet connectivity; and
the underlying AmigaObject architecturethat implements and exposes
all of the above.
This short technology brief is intended to provide a very
high-leveloverview of the development direction and technology
choices being madeby Amiga, and will be supported by more in-depth
whitepapers and productdocumentation as the new Amiga products are
introduced in the marketplace.In this document, we overview:
- AmigaObjects and the Amiga Operating
- Amiga MCC Operating System
- Graphics, Multimedia and GUI Frameworks
- Pervasive Networking
- Software Block Diagram
- Amiga MCC Hardware Architecture
- Development Tools and Applications
and the Amiga OperatingEnvironment |
AmigaObjects™ are the foundation on which
all Amiga OperatingEnvironment services are built. AmigaObjects
provide powerful componentbuilding blocks that allow developers to
rapidly create impressive andpowerful Amiga applications.
AmigaObjects furthermore enable integrationof a wide variety of
different technologies under one umbrella. Networkingis intrinsic
to AmigaObjects, which means that AmigaObjects are free tomove
around on the network or use network resources. The AmigaObject
architectureby virtue of this flexibility enables a new class of
"net-aware" applicationswhere there is no clear boundary between a
device and the network.
We have chosen Java (™ Sun Microsystems)
as our primary programminglanguage for portable applications based
on AmigaObjects (of course, Cand
C++ will also be supported for native MCC
applications). WithJava technologies such as kJava, pJava, Java2
and Java Enterprise Edition,AmigaObject technology can be embedded
in devices as small as hand-heldcomputers and scale all the way to
large servers. This is a truly revolutionaryapproach to computing;
an approach we believe will change the face of computing.
The AmigaObject technology serves as the foundation for all
objectsin the Amiga Operating Environment. The power and
flexibility of the AmigaObjectnaturally extends to all other
objects in the environment, thereby givingall objects in the system
network transparency and the ability to proliferateacross the
As mentioned above, AmigaObjects also integrate other
technologies intoour framework. In particular, we make extensive
use of as 3rd party technologieswhere appropriate. Examples include
Java, Jini, OpenGL and several audioand video codec's. This enables
Amiga to focus its engineering effortson the AmigaObjects and the
Operating Environment and less on creatingtechnologies that already
Amiga MCC Operating
System |
One of our convictions is that modern operating systems are just
onecomponent of the new age in computing. The value proposition is
no longerjust the traditional OS, but an overall environment
providing intelligentpower and transparent services for the end
user. While the informationappliance portion of the Amiga Operating
Environment is portable, and willbe ported to a number of operating
systems by Amiga and Amiga's OEM partnersover time, we needed to
make an OS foundation decision for the Amiga MCC.
There are a number of very interesting OS choices in the
marketplace,and it is fair to say that we have evaluated them all
over the past year.From traditional RTOS vendors such as Wind River
and QNX, to BeOS fromBe Systems, to Sun's JavaOS built on Chorus,
to Linux. As has been previouslyannounced, we had been working for
some months with QNX Software Systemsto try to adapt the QNX RTOS
to the needs of a next-generation multimediaconvergence computer.
At the same time, we had also been working with keymembers of the
Linux community to evaluate the pros and cons of Linux.As we
focused on building a successful business proposition, it
becameapparent to us that more and more of our technology partners
and softwarevendors were encouraging us to focus on
Linux as our underlyingOS kernel. While we were
impressed with some of the technology elementsin QNX (and BeOS and
Chorus, for that matter), we felt that it will bedifficult for a
proprietary operating system to attract the broad industrysupport
required to be successful over the coming years.
Linux has been picking up substantial momentum over the past
year asa viable, open alternative to Windows in the marketplace.
Over the pastyear, Linux usage has more than tripled, with both
large vendors and start-upsadopting Linux as their OS foundation.
The growing commitment to Linuxapplications from a wide variety of
software vendors, and the growing developmentand availability of
Linux device drivers from hardware and peripheral suppliers,make it
a compelling choice. Also, as we ported our higher level
operatingenvironment and AmigaObject architecture to Linux, we
discovered significantperformance advantages in the Linux kernel in
areas such as distributedobject invocation. And, no small
advantage, Linux is probably the moststable operating system
available in the market.
For all of these reasons, we have decided to build the
next-generationAmiga MCC platform on top of a Linux OS foundation.
We would be remissin not acknowledging that there are issues to
overcome with Linux, as therewere with all of the other OS choices
we evaluated. For example, therewere concerns with TCP/IP
performance, which are being resolved, and concernsabout the
required disk and memory footprint. As anyone knows who has
lookedat Linux, the overall system is quite large. However, as we
build our OSfoundation, we are subsetting Linux to meet our needs,
and are now confidentthat disk and memory requirements are quite
reasonable (Linux is startingto appear in a wide variety of
information appliance devices, and thereis even a version of Linux
that runs on the Palm Pilot!). There are alsovarious other
performance issues with Linux that we are attacking – aswith
the original Amiga, we are tightly binding the OS kernel to a
specialized,high-performance hardware architecture that resolves
many of the concernsthat we, and the Amiga community, have had with
existing Linux implementations.The momentum building behind Linux,
and the resources around the worldbeing applied towards fixing
various issues, gives us confidence that thiswill turn out in the
end to be the right choice.
Graphics, Multimedia
and GUI Frameworks |
The technology strategy for graphics involves developing key
partnershipswith companies currently producing state-of-the-art
component products.Amiga leverages the development efforts of these
organizations to deliverthe product capabilities to Amiga
customers. For example Amiga is workingwith ATI to
incorporate next-generation 3D rendering technologyinto the MCC
(see the Hardware Architecture section).
The widespread acceptance and momentum of
OpenGL makes it thesolid choice as a 3D API to
exploit hardware rendering capability. In addition,the latest
Java 2 releases have extended capabilities for 3D
scenemanipulation, advanced imaging, and overall media
coordination. AmigaObjectsare being developed to give users
device-independent control of these variousmedia through Java
objects which in turn access graphics hardware accelerationthrough
OpenGL whenever possible or appropriate. It is important to
understandthat, when discussing AmigaObject or Java access to
hardware-acceleratedAPI's such as OpenGL, care is being taken to
ensure that the higher levelsoftware does not "get in the
way” when accessing the underlying hardware.As with the
original Amiga, it is the tight integration of software andhardware
that provides overall system performance.
The technology strategy for multimedia is essentially analogous
to thatfor graphics. The hardware delivery system for digital
multimedia may bea 3D graphics engine, a DVD decoder including MPEG
2 and AC-3 digital surroundsound, or broadband Internet. For a
complete solution, the underlying hardwaremust be powerful enough
to both capture and play back audio/video streams.To accomplish
this, Amiga is developing partnerships with the leading
hardwaremanufacturers of these technologies. AmigaObjects are being
developed togive developers device-independent control through
Java. The Java-basedAmigaObjects invoke methods to access
appropriate levels of special hardwareassistance and acceleration.
In cases where there is not a widely acceptedAPI such as OpenGL,
Amiga and partners are writing a number of these methodsin native
code as necessary. As with 3D, a tight integration of softwareand
hardware will provide outstanding support for streaming media.
The Information Appliance portion of the Amiga Operating
Environmentwill be hosted on a wide range of devices, and the
interactional naturesof these devices can be expected to differ
widely. It would be foolishto try to design a single interface for
a palm-sized device with a small,touch-sensitive, grayscale display
and a relatively slow wireless networkconnection; a set-top box
with remote control and TV display; and a traditional,multimedia
desktop computer with full keyboard, mouse, high-resolutionmonitor,
and broadband networking – it is doubtful that any single
designcould meet the needs of the users of all these devices.
Instead, we areimplementing a design environment that will insure a
clear sense of consistencyof interaction across devices, while
respecting the physical constraintsof the device on which a
particular interface appears. We will also minimizethe effort to
which developers must go to create virtual appliances ableto run on
a wide range of products.
With regard to windowing environments on the Amiga MCC, we are
leveraginga combination of technologies from Linux and Java. At the
lowest level(managing the bits on the screen), we are using the
latest Linux X Windowswindow system. Most users
and developers will never see X Windows directly(unlike older UNIX
systems, when X Windows was somewhat cumbersome). However,the use
of X Windows will allow both new applications and standard
Linuxapplications to run seamlessly on the MCC. Sitting above X
Windows area growing number of window managers that will be
available on the MCC,and Java developers will have access to the
portable Java Swing GUI classesthat hide the underlying windowing
complexity under a modern programmingmodel. Finally, there will be
a suite of end-user workspaces, includinga new Amiga
Workbench being designed at Amiga. There are alreadya
number of interesting desktop environments available for Linux, and
itis our intent to contribute the Amiga workbench to the open
source movement,and encourage the creative Amiga and Linux
communities to modify, enhance,replace, and generally get creative
when it comes to next-generation desktopenvironments (we believe
that one of the disadvantages of today's Windowsand Macintosh
personal computers is the "closed” nature of their
The near future will bring more high-speed broadband Internet
serviceto homes via cable modems, xDLS and other new technologies.
The industryis standardizing on technologies for home networking,
giving consumersthe ability to connect products throughout the home
using standard homewiring and wireless digital high-speed
Amiga-enabled products will support these standards and
seamlessly connectto each other while leveraging the entire home
through our distributedobject technology. We are integrating
emerging standards such as HomePNAby
Broadcom/Epigram into the Amiga Operating
Environment, usingstandard phone lines in North America homes.
Several initiatives are alsobeing pursued in Europe and Asia, which
we continue to monitor. We arealso investigating the front-running
technologies for digital wirelessnetworks for the home environment.
Most regions of the world will standardizeon a form of 2.4Ghz
digital wireless networking like that of
Proxim'swhich we will support as they become
adopted by the industry. With thenew Amiga object technology and
integration of these standards, the homewill become "the
computer,” including seamless high-speed connection tothe
With AmigaObjects being the foundation for all object services
and supportingdistributive processing in the Amiga Operating
Environment, networkingnaturally becomes pervasive. There is no
distinction between devices (e.g.hard disks) found local to a
computing element or an equivalent devicefound somewhere on the
network. The Jini™ technology from Sun
Microsystemsaddresses many of these problems with an architecture
that enables instantconnectivity of devices to the network such as
disk drives, printers, scanners,cameras, etc. We are encapsulating
Jini technology for the types of deviceswhere it works well, and
are providing complete AmigaObject solutions forservices not
supported effectively by Jini. We'll provide more detailson the
pervasiveness of network services at a later time.
The actual choice of transport is unimportant to the software
and applicationarchitecture. We expect to support most of the
popular networking standards,such as Ethernet, modem, HomePNA,
HomeRF, IEEE 1394 and other digital highspeed networking over time.
The only real issue is one of bandwidth: lowerbandwidth
connectivity tends to limit the quality of services that canbe
offered. As you can see from the hardware section, we're actively
workingon providing high-bandwidth networking in our base system,
thereby enablinga new generation of net-aware applications and

Amiga MCC Hardware
Architecture |
The Amiga MCC is being designed to support state-of-the-art
multimediawhile leaving the PC legacy baggage behind. The MCC will
have DVD, high-performance3D, Ethernet-based home networking,
digital and traditional analog videoand audio, and USB ports for
digital peripherals. It will have room forat least 2 hard drives, 2
PCI slots, 7 USB ports and an open drive bayfor enthusiast options
such as Zip and Jazz drives.
There is significant momentum for USB
(Universal Serial Bus)in the industry. USB is a digital 2-way
interface that supports up to 10Mb/s.This allows game controllers
to support high-speed interactivity, includingfeatures such as
force feedback so when you are driving the car the wheelwill push
back on you. It allows hot detection of devices such as
keyboards,printers, scanners, cameras, game controllers, storage
devices, etc. Infact, the USB standard supports up to 127
peripherals on a single port.For this reason we do not intend to
support the legacy serial, parallel,PS/2 or analog game ports. You
can always add USB hubs for more devices,and there are converters
to the old buses (e.g. USB to parallel) for yourlegacy peripherals
that you might not want to get rid of for a while. Thereare even
efforts under way to make the next version of USB work up to
The industrial design for the MCC has been done by
Pentagram,a leading worldwide industrial design
firm. Several concept sketches (outof approximately 12 that were
considered) have been previously released,and the final industrial
design will be shown at the upcoming World ofAmiga and AmiWest
As the foundation and hub for the Amiga computing revolution,
the AmigaMCC will be delivered in two formats: an integrated
computing system withan attractive industrial design and separate
monitor option; and a standardsize ATX format motherboard for
systems vendors, software developers andenthusiasts who want access
to MCC functionality in other configurationswith greater
We have selected a very exciting CPU for the
MCC, which is atthe heart of a next-generation processing
subsystem. The CPU subsystemwill provide more than just traditional
central processing services – havingchosen Linux and Java as
two of our fundamental software building blocks,we wanted a CPU
subsystem that could be highly tuned for a Linux/Java softwarebase,
while also running classic Amiga applications. We are still
understrict confidentiality constraints, and cannot disclose
information aboutthe CPU at this time. However, we believe the
selection of this technologywill give us a unique advantage for the
As mentioned earlier, the MCC will include a very
high-performance 3Dgraphics subsystem, support for streaming media
integration, and supportfor the emerging home networking standards
that will become pervasive overthe next two years. Following is a
partial list of features under developmentin the MCC hardware
Processing Subsystem:
- High-performance next generation CPU
- Hardware assist for Linux kernel, Java VM, and classic Amiga
- 168-pin SDRAM DIMMs -- future support for DDR SDRAM
- 32MB System RAM expandable to 288MB (ATX goal to be expandable
to 1GB)
Graphics Subsystem:
- Advanced SuperScalar rendering 2D & 3D hardware accelerator
(unannouncednext-generation ATI chipset - specs still under
- 24-bit true color depth / pixel supporting 640x480 to 1920x1200
- Texture lighting & compositing, alpha blending, vertex-
& table-basedfog, video textures, reflections, shadows,
spotlighting, bump mapping,LOD biasing, texture morphing, hidden
surface Z-buffering, dithering, anti-aliasing,gouraud- &
specular-shaded ploygons, perspective correct mip-mappingtexturing,
chroma-key, bilinear & trilinear texture filtering;
additionalfeatures to be announced when ATI releases
next-generation chip information
- 32MB 128-bit SDRAM frame buffer
Audio / Video:
- DVD drive standard (DVD-RAM when available)
- DVD playback including
- MPEG-2 hardware decode acceleration: motion compensation &
- Hardware subpicture decoder with interpolating scalar &
alpha compositor
- Real-time video compression including MPEG-2
- Still image capture acceleration
- Analog TV: NTSC/PAL/Secam input, digitization and TV
- S-Video & composite video I/O
- Full channel TV tuner
- 44 kHz, 16-bit CD stereo audio I/O
- AC-3 Dolby Digital 5.1 channel decode
- S/PDIF Dolby Digital output
- FM radio tuner under consideration
Communication Options (in development):
- V.90 56Kb/s modem
- 100/10Mb/s Ethernet
- HomePNA 2.0 10Mb/s home networking
- Wireless 2.4GHz digital networking
- Broadband Internet options
- 1.5MB/s cable modem
- DSL modem
- ISDN modem
- Digital satellite decoders
Mass Storage:
- Two E-IDE UltraDMA interfaces (support for four drives)
- Support two high capacity hard drives (ATX user configurations
could supportmore)
Internal expansion:
- 2 PCI slots (ATX target is 6 PCI slots)
- 3.5" open bay for Zip/Jazz/120MB floppy or other options
- Infrared for remote control devices
- Microphone input
- Display touch screen controller
- 7 Universal Serial Bus "USB” 10Mb/s digital ports (2 in
front for easyaccess)
- Investigating 1394 option
Note: Full software support for these features and more will
happenover time.
Development Tools
and Applications |
We are working with several leading development tool and
applicationssoftware suppliers to ensure that there are great tools
and applicationsfor the Amiga OE and the Amiga MCC. One of the key
reasons that we choseLinux for the underlying operating system of
the MCC is the tremendousgrowth in Linux-based tools and
applications, many of which will be availablefor the Amiga MCC.
Similarly, our choice of Java for the Amiga OE was partlydriven by
the fact that there are some very powerful Linux-based Java
developmentenvironments that are either already shipping, or will
be shipping overthe coming months. The Amiga MCC will instantly be
one of the best-sellingLinux-based systems in the marketplace, and
it is the intent of Amiga andits partners to ensure that these
tools are available on the MCC.
Obviously, we are not at liberty to disclose the release plans
of othercompanies. As we move closer to the Amiga OE and Amiga MCC
ship dates,companies developing applications and tools for the new
Amigas will announcetheir own plans to release software for the
We believe that the Amiga Operating Environment will power a
wide rangeof next-generation computing devices. The Amiga MCC as
the foundation,will set the standard for multimedia convergence
computers in the emerginghome computing environment.
This brief in no way documents all that is happening at Amiga.
We haveseveral exciting things in development that we would like to
disclose tothe community and will as our partners will allow. The
decisions that arebeing made are focused on the future while
keeping our eyes on today andyesterday. Hopefully this brief has
given you an insight to our direction.
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