© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga Unix Box
Developer: Sun Microsystems
Year: 1991 |
The story of Commodore's brush with Sun is legendary. This is
used as evidence that the company had lost their direction by 1991.
While the company portrayed the image that they were open to the
possibility of licensing the technology (Irving Gould has even gone
on record stating this), the reality was an entirely different
matter. The tale suggests that Sun approached Commodore with the
desire to licence the A3000UX and OEM it
under their own brand as a Unix machine. At the time the Amiga had
the best Unix implementation, beating Intel and several mainframe
developers. Some talks were held between the two companies but
Commodore managed to dissuade them. A wasted opportunity that could
have increased the Amigas marketshare in the business market.
Last Update: 1/11/2001

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