Serial Preferences

Baud Rate
The Baud Rate gadget slider allows you to configure the number
of bits that is transferred through the serial port a second. The
further to the right the slider is the faster the transfer. Your
modem must be capable of achieving the highest baud rate you
Input Buffer Size
The Input Buffer is an area of memory for incoming data. The
buffers should be set in relation to the baud rate, so a large
buffer should be set for the higher baud rates.
Handshaking controls the flow of information that goes through
the serial port and the modem. The available handshaking options
XON and XOFF are special characters that regulate the flow of data
between devices.
These are acronyms, RTS stands for Request to Send and CTS is Clear
to Send. Like XON/XOFF, above, these regulate data flow for special
serial cables.
No handshaking are used.
Parity is used to detect errors in the data stream by examining
a bit in each character. These are called the parity bit. The
available parity settings are:
Parity checking is not performed. This should be used when the
Bits/Char is set to 8 (below).
The number of ON bits in each character should be an even
The number of ON bits in each character should be an odd number
The parity bit is set to be ON always.
The parity bit is set to be OFF always.
The Bits per character specifies the number of bits that is
expected and is actually sent through the serial port for each
If the parity is set to EVEN, ODD, MARK, or SPACE the bits per
character should be set to 7. If it is set to NONE it should be set
to 8.
Stop Bits
The Stop Bits are extra bits of data that are added to the end
of a character to allow spacing between words as well as indicate
the end of a transmission. This should be set to 1 data bit.