Amiga 500 Screen

Developer: Commodore International
Year of sale: September 1990 - July 1991
The Screen Gems A500 bundle was available in the UK between September
1990 and July 1991. It was marketed to the games player that had grown beyond 8-bit systems, such as the Commodore 64 and Sinclair Spectrum.
The four games - Night Breed, Back to the Future 2, Days of Thunder and Beast 2 were the primary focus, while Deluxe Paint 2 is mentioned in the last sentence of the promotional material. A promotional plaque was included in the package that announced the Amiga 500 was computer of the year. THe machine was fitted with Kickstart 1.3, 512k Chip RAM and 512k Fast RAM.
The Screen Gems bundle is remembered as an early experiment in the bundling of recognisable games that parents would recognise. It is fondly remembered by many current and former Amiga owners who received it.
Screen Gems outer cardboard sleeve
Amiga 500 outer box
Amiga 500 unit
Night breed game
Back to the Future game
Shadow of the Beast 2 game
Days of Thunder game
Official Commodore two button mouse
Commodore A501 RAM Expansion (512k) and Realtime clock
Commodore A520 Video Adaptor
RF lead
Official Commodore power supply
Commodore Amiga 500 "European Computer of the Year Award" plaque
A2000/A500 Amiga Basic manual
A520 video adapter manual
Polystyrene packaging for A500 unit, A520 and cardboard box for power supply
Silica Gel sachet
Last Update: 11/03/2007