How to create a RAM disk icon
You may have noticed that every time you reboot you loose the
lovely icon that you spent days creating from the ram disk. All you
need to do is create the icon in IconEdit or a similar program and
save it in your S: directory. Yes, the drawer that stores your
Startup-Sequence inside. Then edit your Startup-Sequence. If this
is already confusing I'll explain in these easy to use steps.
1)Load IconEdit in your Tools drawer.
2)Create a pretty icon.
3)Select and highlight "SAVE AS" from the pull down menus.
4)A requester menu should now appear. Click on the box next to
DRAWER, type S: and press the enter key.
5)Now select the box underneath by FILE and type in a name that
want to call the icon, such as RAM.INFO. Press enter and
the Amiga will save the icon
6)Quit IconEdit and open a Shell window by clicking on the Shell
icon in the System drawer.
7)In the Shell window type ED S:USER-STARTUP and press
8)The ED program will now load and you will see a blank window
(if you haven't got a user startup already). Simply type in this
from the pull down menus.
9)A requester will now appear. Enter S: into the box
next to DRAWER as before and press enter. Now click on the box
below, by FILE and type USER-STARTUP. Now press enter to
save the file.
10)Reboot the Amiga and worship the customised icon that you
have created.