RAD DISK- A recoverable RAM drive that acts
like a disk and survives a soft reset.
RAM- Random Access Memory. Memory that can be
altered and is used to store files. See CHIP RAM and FAST RAM.
RAM DISK- A section of the Amiga's memory that
behaves as if it was a virtual disk. Unlike the RAD DISK it expands
to suit the size of the file copied into it, within memory
limitations and does not survive a reboot.
RAY TRACING- A technique used in 3D software to
realistically render light sources and their effect on the
READ ONLY-The computer will only be able to read
the data, not change it in any way.
disk can be read and altered.
REBOOT- Reset the Amiga. This is separated into
warm reboot, where the user presses CTRL, LEFT, and RIGHT AMIGA
keys, and a cold reboot, which is switched off by the plug.
REDIRECT- To alter the destination of the
output to a different area. This can be another device or port.
REQUESTER- A window that appears when the
system requests a certain action from the user, such as inserting a
RESIDENT- A command that copies other files
into memory to execute them faster.
RESOLUTION- The number of pixels that make up a
screen. The more pixels the higher the resolution.
RF- Radio Frequency. The method used to
transfer a combined audio and video signal.
RGB- This is a standard for video signals made
up of three separate signals for Red, Green, and Blue. The standard
Amiga output.
RISC- Reduced Instruction Set Chips, such as
Motorola's PowerPC chip that will be used in the A\BOX.
ROM- Read Only Memory. This cannot be altered
and is used to store part of the operating system, known as
ROOT BLOCK- Also known as the bootblock. This
is the part of the disk that stores information the file system,
name etc.
ROOT DIRECTORY- The main directory of a drive
that allows you to access the other files in the sub
RTF- Rich Text Format. A descendant of the
ASCII standard which also saves information of fonts etc.
RTG- ReTargetable Graphics. Considered to be
the next step in the Amigas evolution. It allows all compatible
hardware to display software not specifically designed for that