© 1997-2006 Gareth Knight All Rights reserved


Developer: Joshua Walker
Year of invention: 1999 |
A light-hearted spoof Amiga created by Joshua Walker during 1999. He
envisioned an A500-like unit that would compete with the iMac and use existing
Amiga technology. He even created a specification list and fictional comments
from Amiga Inc. on why they supposedly had decided to use the A500 case
"It was there, it was cheap, and it's a good case. We had
been having trouble fitting it all into an A1200 case, especially with
the modem, and that is why we chose the larger A500 case, although the
final colours have not yet been decided."
Motorola 68040 @64Mhz or greater |
32Mb Fast RAM |
In-House 2mb SVGA Graphics |
Sound |
16 Channel 16-bit |
Modem |
33.3Kbps Modem |
HD |
2.4Gb 2.5" IDE HD |
Floppy |
1.44 HD Drive |
Price |
Basic model (without monitor): £449
Basic model (with 15" monitor): £599 |
Last Update: 1/11/2001

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