CD32 Computer conversion kit

Developer: Commodore International
Designed: 1993 |
The marketing definition of the CDTV as a console and a computer is well documented
on these pages. However, the plans to launch a similar item for the CD32 are
less well known. During 1993 several items were designed that would convert
the limited CD32 console into a fully functional Amiga. The 'computer kit' would
consist of a 68030 expansion card, Workbench CD, CD32 keyboard and mouse. It
is uncertain if a memory upgrade and hard disk would be offered with the upgrade.
An 030 upgrade called the SX32 Pro was later launched by DCE.
This image is ©1999-2000 Ryan E. A. Czerwinski, All Rights
Reserved, Used with permission
Last Update: 8/3/2002