© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

PowerPlay Arcade #1

After the cancellation of the Power Module, Amiga announced the
release of a range of new cartridges at the 1983 Summer CES in
Chicago. At the time they were known under the title of Multiplay
Video Game Cartridges but a few months later had been simplified to
the Power-Play Arcade series. In a time when other manufacturers
were only including 2 games on a cartridge Amiga Corp. had managed
to fit three. The company resurrected 3-D Ghost Attack, and added
the new 3-D Havoc and 3-D Genesis games. As can be guessed from the
titles, these all used the 3D glasses found with the Power Module.
The cartridge was expected to go on sale around Christmas 1983,
retailing at around £30-40. Despite the small media attention,
the games were never released.
Thanks to Atari Gaming
Headquarters for providing information and screenshots.

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