I cannot access my CD-ROM from my PC emulator. Although the
drive shows up as D: when booting when I try to list all of the
files in the directory by typing "DIR" (without the quotation
marks) all it does is display a message saying the drive format is
not High Sierra or ISO 9660. What can I do?
It is difficult to know what is happening without your exact
system specs. Examine your CONFIG.SYS by typing:
There should be a line somewhere that looks similar to the one
DEVICE=PCTCDROM.SYS /D:scsi.device,2
Replicate "scsi.device" for the name of the controller that
handles your CD drive, and 4 should be changed for the unit, such
as atapi.device,1, etc.
Save the file and exit to DOS. Now type,
Alternatively you can put the command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT (the
PC's version of a startup-sequence. If DOS claims it cannot find
the file MSCDEX you will need to get it either from a generous PC
owning friend or off the internet. It is freely available so do not
worry about software piracy. This may not work but you can always
give it a try.