PAL- Phase Alteration Line. The TV system used
in the UK and many other countries that displays 625 lines on the
screen, updating at a rate of 25 frames per second.
PARALLEL PORT- An I/O port that is used to
connect the Amiga to other peripherals, such as printers or
PARITY- Used to detect errors in transferring
information via the serial port by attaching an extra bit of
information to the data.
PARTITION- A section of the hard drive that is
treated as an individual drive.
PATH- The devices and drawers that show the
location of a particular file.
PATTERN MATCHING- Allows the user to search for
a file by only displaying names that feature a particular sequence
of characters, such as those ending with .IFF.
PAULA- One of the Amiga's custom chips, which
handles sound (audio DAC's), 4703 custom interupt chip, serial chip
and disk management.
PASSWORD- Generally an numer of alphanumberic
characters required to gain access to part or the whole of the
computer system.
PCB- Printed Circuit Board. The surface of the
circuit board where everything is mounted.
PCMCIA- Stands for Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association. A company that is attempting to
regulate the use of the PCM (Personal Memory Card), as featured on
the A600 and A1200. The Amiga does not use it for much except for
storage of files and memory. But it has proven too slow for common
use in this area. Most Amiga owners use it for CD-Drive, hard drive
or SCSI interface.
PD- Public Domain. When programmers give up
copyright of their software code allowing it to be copied and used
in other programs. Also used in a general term to describe any
freely copied software.
PERIPHERAL- An external piece of hardware.
PGA- Pin Gate Array. A method of mounting
complex chips on to a PCB.
PHOTO CD- A standard set by Kodak to store
photos on CD-ROM and manipulate them in your computer.
PITCH- The number of pixels that fit within a
horizontal inch.
PIXEL- PIX (picture) ELement. A single square
on the computer screen that, when combined with other pixels make
an image.
PLANAR- A form of graphics used in systems with
very little processing power or memory, such as the Amiga. The
pixel's colour information is stored in several parts of the
memory. This is mostly used for 2D games, but is too slow for
PLCC- PLastic Leadless Chip Carrier. A way of
fitting chips with a number of connections onto a circuit
PNG- Portable Network Graphics. A standard
graphics format, first implemented by Cloanto PPaint. It is designed to replace the GIF
POINTER- The graphical representation of the
mouses movements on screen.
POSTSCRIPT PRINTER- A printer that accepts
information to be printed in the PostScript programming language,
providing a higher quality print.
PREFERENCES- A drawer that contains a number of
programs to customise the Workbench environment.
PRINTER DRIVER- A program that translates the
computers signal into a form that the computer can understand.
PROCESSOR- The main chip that has control over
the computer. The Amiga uses the Motorola 680x0 and PowerPC series.
It can also use an Intel or DEC Alpha CPU as a second processor for
intensive tasks, such as rendering.
PROJECT- A data file that needs to be run
through a particular program, such as pictures, sound samples or
PROTECTION BITS- See attributes.
PROTOCOL- A number of standards developed to
govern the transfer of files and information.
PULL DOWN MENUS- The list of programs that are
available from the title bar, activated by pressing the right mouse