On September 30th 1997, Nova Sector was officially granted a
licence to produce their own range of Amiga-based workstations.
These systems are based upon the A4000 motherboard, and come
equipped with a 68040/060 processor and (gasp) a PowerPC 604! They
are also characterised by a huge amount of memory as standard,
modem, and graphics card as standard.
The Alpha series is aimed at the
"creative graphics professional," whilst the home and educational
market is the domain of the Bravo range,
and video-users will find their hero in the Nitro Video-Toaster and NitroPRO non-linear
workstations. this basically means that these systems are aimed at
the professional market and consequently have price tags to match.
This may mean home users will have to look elsewhere.
The Cordel Alpha PowerPC Workstations
The Bravo PowerPC Workstations
The Nitro PowerPC Video Workstations
Last Update: 16/6/2002