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Gareth Knight
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New Star A5A00 Amiga-Clone

Developer: New Star
Launch date: 1996
As one of the bidders for the Amiga during the auction of 1995 (where Escom eventually won), it came as some surprise to discover they had licensed the Amiga chipset from Escom. Their Amiga Clone was released in Taiwan a year later (1996) at a price point of less than $200. When the news article in ComputerWorld's Inside Lines section it caused quite a stir in the Amiga world. An Amiga for just $200? It is well below the standard price for a new Amiga and almost cuts below the A600's clearance cost after the A1200 was released. As part of the deal, New Star are licensed to sell Amiga clones in Taiwan only, so the machine was never released in the UK or USA. The secret to this low price point lies in the New Star's rather modest specifications:
  • Processor: 68000
  • Custom Chipset: ECS
  • Drives: CD-ROM and probably Floppy Disk
  • Operating System: Kickstart 3.1
The specifications would look more interesting if the year of release had been 1987 rather than 1996. However, the focus does not seem to be on how fast the machine is but its ability to perform certain tasks. As we move towards the 21st century, the A500 is still useful for certain things- light word processing, playing games, etc. Rather than creating a web computer, New Star have gone for a basic no-frills Home Computer. A task-specific computer that was aimed at a similar market to the Amstrad PCW in the UK- useful for word processing but not much else.

Read the Press Release



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