© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


What modems can I use on my Amiga?
You can use any standard PC modem. However, as many PC modems
have a 9-pin connector you will need to get an adaptor to plug into
the Amigas 25-pin port, or you can add a serial port by using a
multiface card or the Surf Squirrel on an A1200. This is the best
option as the Amigas internal serial port is verrrry slow with only
a one byte buffer. You should be able to use the serial port at a
speed of 38, 400 bps (Bits Per Second). This may still cause errors
if you only have a 68000 processor. The faster the CPU the faster
your modem speed can be. To find out more follow this link.

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