The Locale drawer is at the very heart of the Amigas
multi-lingual abilities containing the files needed to configure
the Workbench to any language. The drawer is separated into a
number of sub-directories.
This contains the preference files for programs that have been
localised. These programs use the Locale.library to automatically
configure themselves to test the language that is being used by the
system. They them use their own Catalog files to alter the language
used by the program to match the system.
This contains the country location that the Amiga Workbench can
be localised to. There are a number of other .Country files
available for languages not featured in the AmigaOS distribution.
These can be found on Aminet or at a PD
The help drawer contains the Amigaguide online reference manuals
that many applications include guiding the user through their
program. Up until V1.6 AiG itself was stored in the
English/sys/ subdirectory of this drawer replacing the
default Amiga system guide.
The Locale drawer also contains a language subdirectory that
stores every language that may be required for each country. This
allows the user to set the main Workbench system to any language
that they require, making the Amiga a truly international