© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Jay Miner Interview
"Atari decided that they did not need another
computer. They decided not to pay the bonus they had promised me
and the engineers. So I quit, as did nearly all of the engineers
and programmers."
The 1992 AUI interview with Jay Miner has become an important
artifact to understand the pre-Commodore era of the Amiga, and
learn about the development of the Lorraine prototype. However, it
was not the first time the magazine had interviewed the man behind
the machine- Jay had also gave the magazine an exclusive interview
four years previous. At this point in time he was still bitter
about the decisions made by Commodore and the direction that they
took the Amiga.
The interview is scanned from the June 1988 issue of Amiga User
International and saved in JPEG format. Hopefully the
former publishers will not mind it being distributed to a
wider audience.
Read the AUI interview
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Page 3 (71.6k)

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