ICON- A pictorial representation of something
on your machine, such as an art package. There are a number of
varieties, according to the object it represents. E.G., DISK,
NewIcons V3 or above you will also notice different icons according
to the file format, such as IFF, GIF, JPEG, and WAV.
IDE- Integrated Drive Electronics. A standard
used by Amigas, PC's, and some Atari St's. The A1200 comes as
standard with a 2.5 IDE interface inside to which can be connected
hard drives, ATAPI CD-ROM drives and removable media, such as the
IDE version of the ZIP drive.
IFF- Interchangeable File Format. A standard
developed by Commodore for files on the Amiga. These are more
generally used to describe ILBM images created by programs such as
DPaint and sound samples (8SVX) etc.
ILBM- InterLeaved BitMap. The standard Amiga
picture format made popular by Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint.
INFO- This is short for INFORMATION (natch!)
and is located in the ICONS pull-down menu. This is also present in
C: and gives you information on the devices, virtual and physical
on your Amiga.
.INFO- This is a small file attached to most
programs or files to allow you to run a program from Workbench. It
can also contain vital information for the running of the file. In
the NewIcon system this is used to save the icons palette and
image. In Workbench 1.3 if you typed LIST RAM: it
would appear empty. However, if you opened the window, closed it
and typed LIST RAM: again, you would see a file
called .info. This is apparently the window "file-marker,"
although it seems useless to me.
Internet. Also one of the most irritating phrases in existence.
INKJET PRINTER- Sprays ink on to the page
through small nozzles.
INSTALL- An AmigaDOS command that adds a
bootblock to a disk to make it bootable.
INTERLACE- The way that a TV picture swaps
between a number of odd and even lines to make an image every 50th
of a second, making it appear to flicker.
INTERNET- The global network of computers
linked by the phone and ISDN network. This allows the access of
e-mail, pictures, sound, and graphics from anywhere in the
INTRANET- An internal network that uses HTML
standards, used as a closed medium for a company.
INTUITION- Part of the Amigas operating system.
Used to describe the graphic environment. Intuition uses the
graphic library and low level functions to create the method of
interaction between the user and the computer.
I/O- Input Output.
ISA- Industry Standard Architecture. A standard
expansion slots on the PC and many tower/desktop Amigas.
ISO- International Standards Organisation.