HACKERS- People who are interested in, and know
a lot about computers.
HAM- Hold And Modify. This enables your Amiga
to display more colours. On OCS/ECS machines it showed 4096 colours
whilst AGA machines such as the A1200, CD³² and A4000
used the more advanced HAM8 to show 256,000 colours at once.
HAM8- An advanced version of HAM (above) for
the AGA chipset. Allows 256,000 colours to be shown on screen at
once from a palette of 16.8 million.
HANDLER- The software that allows AmigaOS to
access various file systems, such as reading PC and Mac disk.
HANDSHAKING- A protocol that is used to
communicate between devices, using extra controls (RTS/CTS system)
or special characters (XON/XOFF).
HANG- When your computer freezes, forcing you
to reboot.
HARD DRIVE- A large disk that stores
information usually inside the computer.
HELP BU|TTON- The help key on the Amiga
keyboard is underused. Some programs use it to launch online
HEXADECIMAL- Also known as Base16. Base 16
numbers go from 1-9 and then 9-A, up to 1F, and then 20.
HFS- Hierarchical Filing System. Apple's custom
CD-ROM filing system.
HIDDEN FLAGS- Also known as protection bits.
These are used to attach atrributes to a file, such as making it
HIGHCOLOUR- A graphics resolution that allows
thousands of colours to be displayed at once.
HIGH MEMORY- The area of memory on the PC
between 640K of conventional ram and 1MB.
HIGH RESOLUTION- An Amiga mode used to display
the most pixels on a TV based system. It displays a total of 640
pixels horizontally on a screen.
HOST- A term used in AREXX programming. A Host
is the program used to execute a particular command, such as a
paint package to batch convert a sequence of images.
HOST SPOT- The tip of the mouse pointer
onscreen is the hot spot. It is the part where pointer is
HOT KEY- A key combination that is used to open
a Commodity window.
HSF- High Sierra Format. The original CD-ROM
format named after the hotel where the standard was discussed. It
later evolved into ISO9660.
HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language. A language
used to create web pages, similar to AmigaGuide.
HTTP- HyperText Transfer Protocol. Used on the
HYBRID MEMORY- Many A500 expansion featured
memory that could not be accessed by the chipset but is slow enough
to make you think it is. Also known as Slow Fast memory. For some
reason the Amiga emulator, UAE calls it BOGO RAM.
HYPERBOOK- An early example of multimedia
creation application. Ahead of its time.
HYPERTEXT- Invented in the 1960's by Ted Nelson
to describe information being linked together in a document in a
series of buttons.