© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


What is the best Ethernet solution for an a1200?
There are a number of Ethernet cards available according to the
type of system that you own. These can be broken into three
categories, PCMCIA, Zorro, and Ateo.
The PCMCIA options are restricted to the A1200. Using certain
PCMCIA cards that were designed for laptops and the cnet.device
found on Aminet it is possible to get these working at a transfer
rate of around 350k/s. Cnet.device is available on Aminet at ftp://de.aminet.net/pub/aminet/hard/drivr/cnetdevice.lha.
Supported cards include:
- CNet CN40BC
- Accton EN2216
- Socket Communications model AAA-1001
- InterWorks I-Card
- DLink DE-650
- SureCom EP-527
If you wish to buy an Ethernet PCMCIA card from an Amiga dealer
there is only the Hydra available. This is available from Weird
Science and Eyetech, though it is recommended that you browse
different sites to compare prices.
If you own a Zorro-based Amiga, such as an A2000 or A1200 fitted
with a Zorro busboard, there is a choice between the Amiganet
(about £150) and Ariadne 2 (£80). You can also buy the
IO-Blix Zorro serial card with an Ethernet module.
The third option is only open to A1200 users who have bought the
AteoBus. This works on a similar principle to the Zorro-breakout
board, instead adding ISA slots along with Amiga drivers. The
busboard and network card cost around £170 in total. This is
an interesting system that is a lot faster than PCMCIA options.

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