© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Can I firstly point out that this solution only works on
machines manufactured since Escom bought the Amiga. The old
Commodore A1200's only has a double density drive that stores half
the amount. Escom had to use high density drives as the supply of
original Amiga DD drives had ceased manufacture when Commodore
died. So, they were forced to use standard PC drives that were
jumpered to deliver half the amount of data (don't ask me why).
After almost two years, a solution to the problem of how to use
them as high-density units has been solved by Dr Ercole Spiteri's
HiDensity program device. This adds a device to the Workbench that
allows the formatting of Amiga HD disks at full speed. However, at
present it cannot read standard PC HD disks.

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