A very basic text editor which stores its preferences in the
file S:ED-STARTUP. Delete this file to get many more options such
as a search option and more.
Common commands
Press ESC then the letter to activate their function.
T - Top of file
B - Bottom of file
BS - Block Start
BE - Block End
IB - Insert Block
DB - Delete Block
CS - move Cursor to Start of line
CE - move Cursor to End of line
WB - Write Block to new file
IF - Insert a different File into this file
F - finds keyword (case-sensitive)
D - Delete line
Q - Quit Ed without saving
X - save file
SA - save without exiting (Refresh the file) If you want to MOVE
the block, make sure you Delete Block RIGHT after you've Inserted
Block. You can also scroll the text with the ctrl-U and ctrl-D
ED only just gives you 76 characters across, to get an extra one
(may be useful for something) put a character in "front" on the
cursor before you get to the end of the line. That'll shift the
margin out rather than giving you a "carriage return", so you can
type in the 77th character, then delete the extra character.