How do I get Double NTSC to work?
This tutorial is paraphrased from an article in an old online
magazine called "Amiga Addict." It details a number of steps that
A1200 and A4000 owners can take to fill the screen in Double-NTSC
1) Make sure that the monitor is multiscan, so that it will
support all the Amiga modes such as Overscan. You will not be able
to use the cheap VGA/SVGA monitors unless all your software runs in
the same screenmode as Workbench, allowing the VGAonly driver to be
used. This is not very good for games. You can also use a VGA
monitor if you have a graphics card.
2) If your monitor has a double-width switch, then make sure it
is on.
3) Put your Amiga in Double-NTSC mode and manually adjust the
vertical and horizontal controls on the monitor.
4) Execute Overscan in the PREFS drawer and stretch the squares
as far as possible. Adjust the monitors' controls again to fill the
5) Try to find a monitor replacement driver or MonED on Aminet or a PD library. However, MonED can cause
IRREVERSIBLE damage to your monitor, so be very careful when using
6) If you still have borders on the left and right of the
screen, try to find a program that contains a border blanker, such
as the popular Workbench enhancement program, MultiCX.