© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Can I extract DMS files directly to my hard drive or do I have
to copy them to disk?
THE DMS (Disk Masher System) is a compression format that stores
the state of all the blocks on a disk. This means that they are
restricted to copying themselves to mediums that have the same
storage capacity (such as 880k disks). There is a way around this
however; several tools on Aminet, such as the fms.device create a
virtual floppy disk using part of the hard drive. Nevertheless, you
can only run Standard DOS disks (those that can be accessed from
the OS) from your hard disk. All software that accesses the
trackdisk.device directly will fail. Some games can be installed
using 3rd part installers that store disks as disk
images, a large file on your hard drive. These can be found on

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