© 1997-2006 Gareth Knight All Rights reserved

Hipoonios Amiga audio player

Creator: |
Mikael Persson |
Date of completion: |
December 2001 |
Mikael Persson, or Hipoonios as he is known by many Amiga BBS users,
is well known for his creative Amiga DIY projects. His previous
Amiga project was the installation of an Amiga 1200 into a custom
table design. The Amiga audio player is a follow-up project to develop
a wall mounted audio player. The device is able to play audio CDs,
MP3s and sound modules. The 'digital audioplayer' is constructed
using an Amiga 1200, fitted with a hard disk and CD-ROM drive. The
LED display mounted below the A1200 motherboard provides information
on the track that is currently played. The LED interface is connected
to the Amiga parallel port.
More information on the amazing Amiga project may be found on Hipoonios
Amiga site.
Last Update: 7/10/2006

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