© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


CU Amiga - 64 was a short-lived transitionally phase between
Commodore and Amiga coverage spanning from 1989 to sometime during
1990. The final few years of the 1980's were a time of great
competition for every magazine as title readership began to peak.
Cover tapes were introduced and full games were licensed. Faced
with a fading market, Commodore User made a leap of faith with the
second name change since its launch. Every magazine aimed for a
unique selling point- Commodore User's extensive Amiga coverage was
theirs. The C64 became the secondary focus and was eventually
dropped as readers either bought an Amiga or moved to competitors
titles, such as Zzap! 64 and Commodore Format.
Shrinking the Commodore User title to just its initials, the
magazine became CU Amiga - 64. Many issues of this period came with
either an Amiga disk or C64 tape. The issue pictured below included
a demo of PowerDrift and the full version of Rampage.

By the start of 1991 the C64 had been dropped and CU became a fully
fledged Amiga title.
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