As can be expected from a 15 year old magazine, the first issue
of CU shares little with the final issue. In fact, until 1983 it
was not even called Commodore User. During the first two years the
magazine went under the name of Vic Computing. Launched in
September 1981 by the Paradox Group, it became Europe's first
Commodore-only magazine. At the time Commodore had an image as a
business computer, so articles focussed upon the technical world of
Vic programming. Games were covered to a limited extent but the
reviews were short and uninteresting. The magazine also had a
number of guest writers, penned by the likes of Jim Butterfield.
After a few issues mentions of a SuperVic began to appear - a
machine that would eventually become known as the Commodore 64.
As the launch of new Commodore machines approached and the Vic-20
appeared on its way out. The final issue of Vic Computing went on
sale, dated August 1983, Vol. 2 Issue 6. The publishers explained
their decision to relaunch the magazine describing the expense of
magazine publishing and the wider market that the C64 would
attract. The magazine then cocooned itself, to be launched two
months later as Commodore User, incorporating Vic Computing.

Vic Computing remained a bimonthly publication for its entire
life. The table below shows the publication date of each issue.
Vic Computing |
October 1981 |
Vol. 1 Issue 1 |
December 1981 |
Vol. 1 Issue 2 |
February 1982 |
Vol. 1 Issue 3 |
April 1982 |
Vol. 1 Issue 4 |
June 1982 |
Vol. 1 Issue 5 |
August 1982 |
Vol. 1 Issue 6 |
October 1982 |
Vol. 2 Issue 1 |
December 1982 |
Vol. 2 Issue 2 |
February 1983 |
Vol. 2 Issue 3 |
April 1983 |
Vol. 2 Issue 4 |
June 1983 |
Vol. 2 Issue 5 |
August 1983 |
Vol. 2 Issue 6 |
Commodore User |
October 1983 |
Vol. 1 Issue 1 |
November 1983 |
Vol. 1 Issue 2 |
-Magazine becomes monthly... |
(Thanks to Phil Guerney for providing images of issue 1.)
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