© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

The CEI 4000M
According to one source Commodore were allowing CEI to design their
own machine for release in 1994. Although this is mostly
speculation CEI have never actually said what they would have done
with the Amiga had they got it. However, at the time there were no
talks with Apple on this particular subject to licence the ROM
chips, so it is definitely pure vapourware.
The 4000M was a hybrid Amiga/Macintosh machine. Designed around
the standard A4000 it had 10MB of ram, and the Emplant card with
256k Mac ROM's and System 7.1. The machine was estimated to cost
$2500, and for another $100 you could get the IBM emulation as
The A4000C
According to the article this information was taken from, A4000C is
simply a working title for a machine to be launched in early 1994.
Like the A4000M, it was alleged to be based upon the A4000, but
contained only two Zorro slots and an optional 25MHz '030EC or '040
processor with 6MB ram (2MB chip 4MB fast) and 120MB hard drive.
All this was fitted into a "pizza box" case (i.e. it was very
flat), similar in design to the A1000. It was rumoured to be sold
for under $1000.

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