Cartoon Classics bundle

Developer: Commodore International
Year of sale: July 1992 - September 1992
Price on release: £359
Available between July 1991 and September 1992, the new Amiga 500+ was a marvelous design, upgrading
the cheap and cheerful A500 to the ECS chipset, adding 1MB of Chip
am and including the A520 modulator. The Cartoon Classics pack
included Workbench 2.04, The Simpsons, Captain Planet, Lemmings and
Deluxe Paint 3.
If the package was brought from Silica Systems you could also
get Photon Paint 2, the Arcade Action games pack, Zool and GFA
Basic Interpreter 3.5 for FREE. There was also the opportunity to
win 16 nights free holiday hotel accommodation (I kid you not) when
purchasing an A500 or A600.
All of this for the bargain price of £359. Like most other
machines this price was quickly reduced to £299 in just 6
View a second Cartoon
Classics box (74k)
Last Update: 21/10/2002