© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
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Commodore Plus/4

The Commodore Plus/4 was seen by many as Commodore's attempt to
"dumb down" the C64 to a sub-$100 price range. It contained 64K
memory, of which 60k was available under the basic, and allowed 128
colour pixel range, (16 colours at 8 intensity levels). The C16
plus 4 also contained version 3.5 of Basic. The system also had a
basic stab at the home-office market by including four basic
applications built into the ROM- a database, a word processor, a
spreadsheet and a machine language monitor. A new disk drive had
also been developed specifically for the machine. Known as the
1551, the drive connected to the C-16 series through the memory
expansion port, and was reported to be up to 5 times faster than
the 1541. This system was not as successful as the C64, although in
many ways it was superior, and only goes to show Commodores'
questionable business practices, by trying to replace the C64 when
it was at its peak. It did play a brilliant game of Llamatron

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