© 1997-2006 Gareth Knight All Rights reserved

Alien Boxer
Developer: Blittersoft
Announced: 2000 |

To create consumer confidence in the BoXeR
development, Blittersoft announced a second BoXeR bundle. However, the cancellation
of the Boxer project ended their dream to launch a new 68k machine. The specifications
are listed below:
Motherboard |
BoXeR 2.0 motherboard |
68040/40 MHz CPU (Upgradable to 68060 or PPC) |
Memory |
64MB |
Hard disk |
6.4Gb UDMA |
Drives |
40x CD-ROM, HD floppy disk |
Others |
Multimedia Speakers |
Software |
OS 3.5 |
Price |
Unknown |
Last Update: 25/2/2002

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