© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


Can I use a Bubble jet printer on my old A600?
Yes, your A600 will be able too use almost all inkjet/bubble jet
printers. The only problems you will face is the lack of memory in
your machine, 1Mb is not enough to open large images or documents.
You will also find that printing will be quite slow. The only way
to cure this is too buy more memory for your machine or upgrade to
a newer system. You may also find it difficult to find drivers for
the printer. Those supplied with Workbench are quite basic and many
printer suppliers do not provide Amiga drivers for their hardware,
with the notable exception of Canon. You will be able to find
drivers for your printer from many PD libraries or on Aminet.
Alternatively, if you want the best quality prints you can buy
TurboPrint, a brilliant printer enhancement program. This is
available in the UK from Power Computing and many others. Check
your local Amiga dealer to see if they can order the product for

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