This is a relatively simple problem to fix. It is caused when
various applications install what is known as an assign into your
Startup-sequence or User-Startup (these are text files that the
Amiga uses to load, similar to AUTOEXEC.BAT on the PC). You have
probably installed the program and deleted the directory from your
hard drive. When your Amiga loads it can find this directory and
displays a message telling you.
The solution is to delete the line in your startup-sequence or
user-startup. Firstly, load a text editor. If you are not sure how
to do this we will use the one that comes with your workbench disk.
Open the Shell program that is located in the "SYSTEM" directory on
your Workbench disk. A window should appear displaying the words
"NEW SHELL" in the border. If this has gone OK type the following
A simple text editor should now appear displaying the contents
of the user-startup. Locate the line that mentions the missing
directory and delete it. If you are worried that it may be the
wrong line place a semi-colon (;) at the beginning of the line.
This will tell the Amiga to ignore the line when it is booting.
After you have done this save the file by selecting SAVE from the
pull-down menus (press the right-mouse button at the top left of
the screen. After the file has been saved quit the program and
reset the machine.
Oh no! What happened?
Now my Amiga will not boot at all (Sob). What can I do?
OK, OK. The screen should display a screen similar to the Shell
program that you loaded earlier. Simply type the line that you
entered previously (see above). The same program and file will be
loaded again. Find the line that you added the semi-colon too and
delete it (the semi-colon not the whole line). Save the file again
and reboot.
The message is still there
The only thing you can do now is to create a directory called T
on the WORK drive. Double-click on the WORK icon on the Workbench
and select NEW DRAWER from the pull-down menus. A requester will
appear asking you to enter the name of the drawer, simply press the
backspace button to get rid of the text already there and name it
T. Once this is done press ENTER/RETURN.
Hooray! It doesn't appear anymore! What can I do to repay
Well you can send me a letter of appreciation. If you feel that
this isn't enough I will also except money. Cheers.