© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga Workbench 1.2
Developer: Amiga Inc/Commodore
Launch: 1986 |

A minor upgrade that improved on autoconfig and stability. The
Amiga team were feeling the pinch from Commodore management through
an insistence on cheapening and 'dumbing down' the Amiga. A secret
message aptly displayed their feelings, "We made Amiga, They
f------ it up."
The release was shipped with the last of the A1000's and the early
A500's and A2000. There were some graphical refinements- icons were
now visible when dragged and the RAM: disk appeared. This provided
a virtual disk drive, cutting down on disk swapping.
View Workbench 1.2 Disks (20.4k)
View alternative set of Workbench 1.2
disks (20.6k)
For more information visit Workbench Nostalgia.
Last Update: 23/02/2002

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