"the first new Amiga hardware in over 6
Amiga Inc. October 21st, 2000
AmigaOne is the first consumer desktop machine to be announced
by Amiga Inc. since their purchase a year previous. Several
developer boxes have already been launched, particularly the
D'Amiga & EZDEV variants. The announcement of a consumer
motherboard is a clear indication that Amiga Inc. are finalizing
many of the details for the operating environment, Amiga DE.

Contrary to previous Amiga variants, AmigaOne will not be produced
by one manufacturer. Standing by their previous announcements that
they were a software company, Amiga Inc. created the specifications
(mysteriously named Zico) and
licensed the production of these machines to third party
At the moment only two manufacturers have been announced, Eyetech
and bPlan. The distinction between
the two motherboard designs are based upon market share. The
Eyetech variants will be aimed at the existing Amiga market,
providing the ability to attach the A1200 or A4000 to the AmigaOne
motherboard. Eyetech are an obvious decision to support the Amiga
market, renowned for their range of Amiga DIY hardware and
peripherals. bPlan intend to market their AmigaOne-compatible
motherboard (the 'Pegaosos') beyond the existing Amiga market,
aiming at the general computer user. Of the two, the bPlan design
offers the greatest potential for expanding the Amiga market.
To read more on the AmigaOne specifications, follow these