First issue release
date: March 1992 |
Final issue release
date: Nov/Dec 1992 |
Publisher: MC
Publications |
Coverage: Games |
Country published:
Great Britain |
No. of issues: 8 |
Medium: Print |
Status: Dead |
Web Address:
None |
After the cancellation of Amiga Fun
many suspected that this would be the last they would hear from MC
Publications. This proved to be a premature conclusion when the
company took a second attempt to produce an Amiga magazine. A close
examination revealed that the editorial staff remained unchanged.
The layout and design of the first issue demonstrated an evolution
of the 'fun' formula rather than a revolution- the Tipster and
rating system remained the same. However, many of these areas were
developed to take into account Amiga users who had expanded their
computer. The new 'Technical Data' column provided additional
information on games that supported a second floppy drive, hard
drive, or memory expansion. This was a unique feature among
magazines of the time that distinguished Amiga Mania from other
game magazines. Many of the mistakes made by Amiga Fun were also
corrected with the introduction of longer, more detailed game
reviews and varied features. However, it remained littered with
spelling mistakes and pixellated screenshots.
The magazine began to move away from its parentage with issue 3.
The new look ditched the childish images of its predecessor, to
replace it with a darker digital appearance. Behind the scenes even
bigger changes were underway with the sale of Buckingham-based MC
Publications to COMPUTEC Publications. Over the next few months the
company was integrated into the German firm. This eventually lead
to a majority of the original staff leaving and production moving
to Nuremberg.
The magazine came to a premature end after the release of issue
8. The magazines' closure was unexpected. While circulation was low
it could have been improved with additional support from the German
parent company to hire more staff, increase page count, and ensure
a few exclusives.
What did AMIGA MANIA do for the UK scene?
The closure of Amiga Mania left a gaping hole in the Amiga scene.
This allowed Amiga Force to gain a
foothold in the market and move to a monthly publication.
View Amiga Mania Rating System (Issue
3+) (75.6k)
View Amiga Mania Issue 1 (68.6k)
View Amiga Mania Issue 8 (62.8k)