© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


First issue release
date: 1996 |
Final issue release
date: March 1999 |
Publisher: ? |
Coverage: Serious and
games magazine |
Country published:
Sweden |
No. of issues:19 |
Medium: Paper |
Status: Dead |
Web Address:
Info Scans |

Launched in a time of great depression for the Amiga, AI/Echo was
originally called Amiga Info. The magazine was first launched
during 1996 by Thomas Svensson becoming the only printed magazine
in Sweden. It was aimed at the more technical-orientated Amiga
user. The second issue of 1997 covered the PowerPC market and
interviewed ProDAD. They also covered the growing Amiga clone
The final issue saw a change to the magazine with a change of title
to reflect the growing Linux coverage. The new AI/Echo magazine
published its first (and last) issue in March 1999, but it was not
announced in September publication had ceased. Poor circulation was
blamed for the magazines death.
View Amiga Info Issue 1 (8.66k)
View AI/Echo Issue 19 (11k)

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