© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


What are the differences between Amiga Incorporated, Amiga
Technologies, and Amiga International?
This can be quite confusing for many Amiga users and there have
been a number of steps to correct this. Amiga Technologies was the
company set up by Escom during 1995 to make and sell Amigas. When
Gateway bought the Amiga they renamed Amiga Technologies to Amiga
International to handle sales, licenses and market the Classic
systems. Alongside Amiga International they created Amiga Inc. to
develop the next generation Amigas. During the first quarter of
1999 a shakeup of Amiga resulted in greater autonomy from Gateway,
allowing them to control their operation. The two Amiga companies,
International and Incorporated were mothballed into one company
that is now simply called "Amiga".

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