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Digital Magazine
Issue No: 1 Price: £3.50 Digital Issue 1
Publication Date:
Thursday November 29th, 2001
Page Count: 68
Month: December 2001 Editor: David Stroud
Spine Text: Computers are useless, they can only give you answers - Pablo Picasso (the fish & chips issue)
...become digital David Stroud introduces the future of computing and digital's manifesto
Clash of the Console Titans Xbox and GameCube battle for developers' minds and gamers' wallets.
Symbian gets Flash Macromedia, Inc. and Symbian announce that a Macromedia Flash player will be made available for the Symbian embedded OS.
Radio Comdex Brief report from the 2001 Comdex exhibition.
Opera steps up competition Opera Software ASA accuse Microsoft of attempts to block their browser.
LithTech Releases Game Development Trio Lithtech, Inc. announce the release of three new development platforms for gaming - LithTech Jupiter System, LithTech Talon and LithTech Cobalt System.
Warp3D on the Move Hyperion Entertainment announce the availability of their 'Warp3D' API for small footprint devices.
News in Brief
  • MathEngine PLC & Epic games announce games development solution
  • the Sunday Times publishes details of their 2001 Tech Track 100 league
  • Apple iPOD launched
News Focus
Pocket PC 2002 Microsoft launches new version of embedded OS. New devices due in time for Christmas.
Data Protection Act Your right as an e-consumer have increased, as have your obligations as an e-tailer. Digital magazine discusses the latest changes to the Data Protection Act.
Rants and Raves:
Breaking Moore's Law Andrew Korn argues it is time to ignore Moore's Law and pay attention to interface design and data management.
One device or two? Chris Green wonders if the combination of a PDA & mobile phone is a good idea.
This is digital Why is this magazine here? What do we mean by "digital" anyway? Six page article on the latest technology.
The Video Recorder is Back... and this time, it's Personal Personal Video Recorder (PVR) technology: how cool is it?
Safe as Houses Anyone who transmits information via the Internet should know their data is secure. How certain can you be that no-one's listening on your communications? Six page article on cryptography.
Open Contents Platform Association Software sells hardware. So, if software development were easier... Digital magazine takes a look at the O.C.P.A.
Setting the Speed for the Future of Games Programming
London-based startup Codeplay has a compelling sales pitch: the free lunch.

Product Focus

The Most Popular Boy in the World
Digital Magazine investigate the new Gameboy Advance.
Psion Teklogix means Business

A closer look at the Psiqon netpad - the first handheld device with a half-VGA screen.
Photogenics for Pocket PC
A high-end graphics application in your pocket? The Amiga's best art package comes to the Pocket PC.
ZioSoft PDA Games Ziosoft of Korea are trying to drive PDA gaming to a new level. Two page article featuring reviews of Zio Golf 2, Metalion and Pocket Athlete.
Java on the Desktop
Review of the cool Java applications that exist. Features Java Risikio, jEdit, Xbrowser, LAoE and Jesktop.
Landscape Select cuts from the world of digital media. Features Walking with Beasts, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Dr. Who online and JACL server-side gaming.
Introducing intent
In the burgeoning new world of portable computing, multimedia will need a new home. intent opens its doors...
Input Letters to the editor.
Output: Solutions to your digital dilemmas Nokia firmware upgrades, Active Matrix LCD screens, alternative operating systems and word processors.
The digital spider The best of the web. DVD Forum, Bluetooth Weblogs, HAVi, and Mobile Games Interoperability Forum are examined in this issue.
Digital Interview We know they're Creative, but how do they see your future? Digital Magazine interviews James Ball, Creative's UK Product Manager.
The Best Thing Ever...? In which Digital ask the enternal question. Which is better, Psion Series 5 or a Finnish single-shot joke web site?

An interesting first issue that continues many of the main themes of Amiga Active. The Digital writers examine several subjects that would be familiar to current Amiga users, such as the O.C.P.A., Codeplay and Photogenics. There is even a sneaky mention of the Amiga in the Output section and several Amiga adverts throughout the magazine. The intent programming series is also unique, giving a good indication of the capabilities of the AmigaDE.

The magazine also introduced an interesting alternative to the rating system. They used a 'Line In' and 'Line Out' boxout to summarize the good and bad points of the product.

Quote of the month:
"Digital is about computing on the move, in the office, at home. It is about having the huge power computers offer these days available to you wherever you are and whatever you want to do. In the constantly evolving IT industry, the only sure constant and the driving force of change is digital. Digital information is already revolutionising our lives, and as the digital revolution progresses, it will transform the way we communicate, the way we are entertained and the way we work" (Anon, p3)

Issue 26


Last Update: 28/7/2002


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