© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


The Amiga Index of
Magazines project require help cataloguing Amiga magazine
reviews. The site is a collaboration between Angus Manwaring, Seppo
Typpö, and Joachim Froholt. Take it away Angus:
"The AIM Project (Amiga Indexes of Magazines) which is
primarily (but not exclusively) concerned with game reviews, is
designed to provide an index of Amiga magazines so you'll know
which issue to find a specific review/preview/feature/etc in. This
is especially helpful if you have a stack of old magazines and you
need to find that elusive feature without reading through every one
of your magazines in turn.
The indexes are not supposed to be a database of information,
just indexes, and as you'll see, we are still missing a lot of
issues - can you help us with any of these? Hey, all of us have
issues, right? :)"
Can you help these people to preserve a snippet of Amiga culture?
Contact Joachim Froholt for
more information and contributions.
Last Update: 8/8/2002

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