© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga 9000

Developer: Amiga Format
Month of presentation: 1993
The Amiga 9000 was a synthesis of ideas by Amiga Format Special
to create a mid-1990s Amiga. The design first appeared in the Amiga
Format Annual 1994, released in the winter of 1993 and was later
updated by Amiga Format magazine into the Dream Amiga.
At the time the profile was created, Amiga enthusiasts thought
the next Amiga should offer the following features:
- At least 8 channel sound or 16 bit DSP audio chip.
- A 24-bit display was not prioritized that much because the
human eye can only see 16.8 million colours. However, the graphics
should definitely be updated to allow it to move around
- A RISC processor. The favourite was the RISC4400.
- Hardware emulation of the Mac and PC.
- The hardware and Operating System should support ReTargetable
Graphics (RTG) to allow the Amiga to drive several monitors at
- High Density disk drive.
- A Double Density CD-ROM drive (now known as DVD) allowing the
storage of twice as much data as conventional CD's. Static RAM
- It would also feature a keyboard similar to Microsoft's
"Ergonomic" keyboard.
The machine described on this page is the product of
speculation and the desires by various Amiga magazines on what
would make the perfect Amiga. In other words, THEY ARE PURE
FICTION. They reveal a great deal on the state of the
market at the time and the perceived needs of the Amiga

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