Amiga 5000

Developer: Amiga Format
Month of presentation: February 1993
The A5000 was the product of desperation rather than guesswork.
There were many Amiga owners, writers, and developers that believed
the A4000 was a substandard product that should never have been
released. Rather than brooding on past failures, the Amiga Format
team created a true successor to the A3000 - a machine that would
compete with the Mac and PC clones for years to come - the
The machine specifications were based upon a combination of
speculation and fact. It was well known that Commodore were
developing the AAA chipset. Amiga Format predicted that this would
provide 24-bit graphic display, aiming the machine at the
multimedia presentation market. This would be combined with 16-bit
sound, internal CD-ROM drive, and SCSI2 interface.
The machine described on this page is the product of
speculation and the desires by various Amiga magazines on what
would make the perfect Amiga. In other words, THEY ARE PURE
FICTION. They reveal a great deal on the state of the
market at the time and the perceived needs of the Amiga