© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved

Amiga 1200T
Developer: Thousands of Amiga users |
Demonstrated: 1997, but some cases reported in
the 1980s. |
It has long been a pipe dream of many A1200 owners to stick
their system in a tower. Not only does it look better but it also
allows room for more expandability and the addition of Zorro slots.
While custom Amiga towers remain costly, generic full size PC
towers can be bought for less than £50. Eyetech also provide a
number of widgets, gadgets, and computer bits that will allow the
use of a standard PC keyboard or connectors for LEDs. Several Amiga
retailers have also had the idea of selling these machines as
end-user systems, such as the excellent tower range from Eyetech.
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